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Helping HelloFresh more effectively measure PR efforts across 10-plus global markets

The Client

HelloFresh is an international, publicly-traded food delivery company that operates in ten-plus global markets, including North America and Western Europe. Because its PR team must engage the media and consumers across several different markets across the world, it performs its media outreach (and associated media monitoring and measurement) in several different languages and requires cutting-edge metrics to identify and engage the most appropriate opinion leaders and influencers.

At a glance:

HelloFresh previously measured its campaign efforts across several global markets using an inadequate automated approach with outdated metrics such as advertising equivalency value (AVE).

Fullintel recommended a human-curated reporting methodology featuring only-relevant content and a range of deep metrics such as Media Impact Score (MIS) for each earned media placement, along with global performance analysis single dashboard, allowing the client to better understand and improve the impact of its media outreach and campaigns.

The Challenge

The company’s previous automated approach featured a high degree of irrelevant content, a frustrating annoyance that added time and cost to every activity – and one that usually required time from an internal resource to fix. Its media analysis reporting also featured outdated metrics, such as AVE, and couldn’t provide accurate insights for each of the company’s ten-plus global regions.

HelloFresh wanted to improve the impact of its media engagement in each of its many regions by adding more insightful metrics, such as MIS scoring, prominence, sentiment, and key message analysis, while conducting ongoing apples-to-apples benchmarking by comparing the same metrics in every region over the same time period.

HelloFresh and Fullintel developed a high touch yet agile measurement framework for measuring campaigns, with the following objectives:

  • Measure the impact of the company’s coverage, with a goal of meeting a specific total Media Impact Score each week
  • Benchmark performance across several global regions
  • Filter noise to help identify the right industry and brand influencers
  • Ensure multilingual content in all monitoring and measurement
  • Ensure all content and measurement reports are accessible across all PR teams
  • Identify social influencers to support the launch of products or spinoff brands in specific regions

Understanding the impact and quality of our media coverage is crucial at HelloFresh as we continue to ensure our audiences read, hear and watch the best news and stories about our business growth and product expansion. We’re delighted to be recognized for our analytical and qualitative partnership with Fullintel.

Max Backhaus

Global CMO at HelloFresh

The Solution

HelloFresh’s new measurement framework from Fullintel features all traditional media – including broadcast, print (including niche/industry journals), and online news– and select social media channels, curated by Fullintel’s human analysts, and a range of advanced metrics across different regions. It’s all viewable through a single unified reporting channel.

Specific improvements to the client’s media monitoring and measurement include:

  1. 1. Media Impact Score and other key metrics
    Coverage of the company, its brands, and competitors are evaluated using Media Impact Score, weighing metrics like reach, sentiment,
    prominence, key messages, backlinks, headline visibility, spokesperson quotes, and any visuals to indicate the placement’s impact in traditional media. Other metrics include top key sources by sentiment, MIS by operational region, and sentiment cross referenced with website sessions over time.
  2. 2. Multi-linguistic reporting
    Fullintel includes English, German, Dutch, French, Swedish and Danish content in a single report (which includes machine-translated versions and the original language version).
  3. 3. Multi-market reporting via a single dashboard
    The client can easily access and compare coverage from several global markets in a single media monitoring and analysis dashboard, allowing it to easily understand the impact of every campaign or media story from each region.
  4. 3. Monthly analysis report
    Fullintel transitioned the client from automated, low-touch reporting with a high degree of irrelevant content and inaccuracy, to expertly curated analysis reports performed by an analyst familiar with its industry. The client can now evaluate the impact of all its earned media activity–an extremely valuable exercise for a consumer-facing brand, but that simply wasn’t possible under an automated approach.


HelloFresh achieved its goal of more effectively measuring and benchmarking its PR efforts across global markets, consistently keeping its average MIS score within its desired range since making the change. It was also able to identify a suitable cadre of social influencers to support product launches in large markets – something it couldn’t do efficiently before.

The client also has much greater visibility into the prominence, sentiment, and quality of each media mention in any of six languages, thanks to an approach that follows AMEC’s Barcelona Principles through daily media impact reporting, weekly brands reports, deep monthly analysis reporting, and ongoing social media influencer reporting.

AVEs were eliminated, replaced with a more advanced set of quantitative and qualitative metrics such as volume vs. MIS, key messages by sentiment, MIS by operational region, and sentiment cross referenced with website sessions over time.

Detailed reporting of traditional media coverage, combined with social media influencer tracking, now allows the company to fully understand the impact of its campaigns and outreach by region. HelloFresh can now also identify regions with less coverage of pressing negative issues, and prioritize expansions in regions with weaker competition.

Let Fullintel be your managed services partner for media monitoring and reporting. Request a 30 minute, interactive demo to learn more.