The Top 10 Tennessee Daily Newspapers by Circulation The first newspaper to ever appear in Tennessee, the Knoxville Gazette, started up in 1791 and ceased publishing by 1818.Updated February 2020 1. The Commercial Appeal Also known as the “Memphis Commercial Appeal”,...
The Top 10 Montana Daily Newspapers by Circulation Newspapers were an important source of information for the settlers of the American west, and the state of Montana was no exception. The first newspaper in the state, the Montana Post, began publishing in 1864 in an...
The Top 10 West Virginia Daily Newspapers by Circulation West Virginia’s first-ever newspaper appeared in 1790, with the founding of the Potowmac Guardian & Berkeley Advertiser in Shepherdstown.Updated February 2020 1. Charleston Gazette-Mail Founded in 1873 as a...
The Top 10 New Mexico Daily Newspapers by Circulation Even though the Santa Fe New Mexican stakes a claim as being the oldest newspaper in the west, it was a newspaper called La Verdad that was the first-ever New Mexican news publication (founded in 1844, when New...
The Top 10 North Carolina Daily Newspapers by Circulation Although there are still some very old newspapers still in circulation in North Carolina, the first-ever newspaper in the state was the North Carolina Gazette, which originally published from 1751 to...