Choosing a media monitoring or crisis media monitoring solution can be difficult. Not only are there several platforms available to evaluate and consider, but each platform also has its own methodologies and approaches to media monitoring. 

Download Fullintel's Media Monitoring and Crisis Monitoring Buyer's Guide

These methodologies can be downright confusing to keep track of – but keep track you must, as the chosen approach can have a massive impact on the effectiveness of your media monitoring service (and, by extension, the effectiveness of you and your communications team). Some providers go with a fully automated solution, others much more manual, while others are a bit in between and rely on automated processes along with human-driven media monitoring.

There are also several different variations of media monitoring depending on the source, including online media monitoring, broadcast media monitoring, and multilingual media monitoring.

Which platform you ultimately choose can often make the difference between spending dozens of extra hours cleaning up media monitoring results (or looking for important content that was missed by your provider that morning), or instead using those hours to build better campaigns, media outreach, and communications content.

We begin by exploring important questions such as what is media monitoring, what does media monitoring mean, and what kind of impact media monitoring has on an organization (and communications team). We trace the history of media monitoring from its beginnings in Western Europe as press clippings services, to its incorporation of new mediums like television and radio, to its current state of being as a software-as-a-service platform used by most companies and organizations around the world. We then analyze some of the various types of solutions out there and how they might best fit with your organization.

So download Fullintel’s Media Monitoring Buyer’s Guide to learn about the benefits that media monitoring and crisis monitoring can provide your organization, and what to look for when evaluating providers of media monitoring, crisis monitoring, or media analysis services.