Public relations can be a challenging profession in the current media environment, with the number of media outlets and practicing journalists seemingly fewer by the day. But the challenges of being an effective PR professional are a big reason why every competitive...
Social media has always been full of impostors and fake people, from X’s armies of bots and spam accounts to that person we all know on LinkedIn. But they’ve all got nothing on the next wave of influencer marketing: Virtual influencers powered by A.I. and lifelike...
In the grand tapestry of technological advancement, artificial intelligence (AI) emerges as both a marvel and a quandary. Its potential to revolutionize industries, enhance efficiency, and elevate human capabilities is undeniable. Hold up a second – quick question....
It’s that time of year again: The time of year where all our favorite PR and communications organizations and event planners are frantically preparing for this year’s conference season. (Or in the case of a few events that have already taken place in 2024, they’re...
Zahra Burton ran her own television news magazine, 18 Degrees North, for years. The hard-hitting show ran investigative journalism-driven items and aired in 27 countries across the Caribbean, North America, and Europe. But producing a full-on television show...